Module lapper

This module provides a simple data-structure for fast interval searches. It does not use an interval tree, instead, it operates on the assumption that most intervals are of similar length; or, more exactly, that the longest interval in the set is not long compared to the average distance between intervals. On any dataset where that is not the case, this method will not perform well. For cases where this holds true (as it often does with genomic data), we can sort by start and use binary search on the starts, accounting for the length of the longest interval. The advantage of this approach is simplicity of implementation and speed. In realistic tests queries returning the overlapping intervals are 1000 times faster than brute force and queries that merely check for the overlaps are > 5000 times faster.

The main methods are find and seek where the latter uses a cursor and is very fast for cases when the queries are sorted. This is another innovation in this library that allows an addition ~50% speed improvement when consecutive queries are known to be in sort order.

For both find and seek, if the given intervals parameter is nil, the function will return a boolean indicating if any intervals in the set overlap the query. This is much faster than modifying the intervals.

The example below shows off most of the API of Lapper.

import lapper
type myinterval = ref object
   start: int
   stop: int
   val: int
 proc start(m: myinterval): int {.inline.} = return m.start
 proc stop(m: myinterval): int {.inline.} = return m.stop
 proc `$`(m:myinterval): string = return "(start:$#, stop:$#, val:$#)" % [$m.start, $m.stop, $m.val]

create some fake data

var ivs = new_seq[myinterval]()
for i in countup(0, 100, 10):
  ivs.add(myinterval(start:i, stop:i + 15, val:0))
make the Lapper "data-structure"
l = lapify(ivs)
l.find(10, 20, empty)
notfound = not l.find(200, 300, empty)
assert notfound
res = new_seq[myinterval]()
find is the more general case, gives a speed benefit when consecutive queries are in order.
echo l.find(50, 70, res)
echo res
# @[(start: 40, stop: 55, val:0), (start: 50, stop: 65, val: 0), (start: 60, stop: 75, val: 0), (start: 70, stop: 85, val: 0)]
for r in res:
   r.val += 1
or we can do a function on each overlapping interval
l.each_seek(50, 60, proc(a:myinterval) = inc(a.val))
l.each_find(50, 60, proc(a:myinterval) = a.val += 10)
discard, 70, res)
echo res
# @[(start:40, stop:55, val:12), (start:50, stop:65, val:12), (start:60, stop:75, val:1)]


Interval = concept i
    start(i) is int
    stop(i) is int
An object/tuple must implement these 2 methods to use this module
Lapper[T] = object
  intervals: seq[T]
  max_len: int
  cursor: int                  ## `cursor` is used internally by ordered find
Lapper enables fast interval searches


proc overlap[T: Interval](a: T; start: int; stop: int): bool {.
overlap returns true if half-open intervals overlap
proc lapify[T: Interval](ivs: var seq[T]): Lapper[T]
create a new Lapper object; ivs will be sorted.
proc len[T: Interval](L: Lapper[T]): int
len returns the number of intervals in the Lapper
proc find[T: Interval](L: Lapper[T]; start: int; stop: int; ivs: var seq[T]): bool
fill ivs with all intervals in L that overlap start .. stop. if ivs is nil, then this will just return true if it finds an interval and false otherwise
proc each_find[T: Interval](L: Lapper[T]; start: int; stop: int; fn: proc (v: T))
call fn(x) for each interval x in L that overlaps start..stop
proc seek[T: Interval](L: var Lapper[T]; start: int; stop: int; ivs: var seq[T]): bool
fill ivs with all intervals in L that overlap start .. stop inclusive. this method will work when queries to this lapper are in sorted (start) order it uses a linear search from the last query instead of a binary search. if ivs is nil, then this will just return true if it finds an interval and false otherwise
proc each_seek[T: Interval](L: var Lapper[T]; start: int; stop: int; fn: proc (v: T)) {.
call fn(x) for each interval x in L that overlaps start..stop this assumes that subsequent calls to this function will be in sorted order