
kexpr evaluates math and boolean expressions


kexpr_t = kexpr_s
Expr = ref object
  ke*: ptr kexpr_t
  err: cint
Expr is a math expression


KEE_UNQU = 0x00000001
KEE_UNLP = 0x00000002
KEE_UNRP = 0x00000004
KEE_UNOP = 0x00000008
KEE_FUNC = 0x00000010
KEE_ARG = 0x00000020
KEE_NUM = 0x00000040
KEE_UNFUNC = 0x00000040
KEE_UNVAR = 0x00000080


proc ke_parse(s: cstring; err: ptr cint): ptr kexpr_t {...}{.importc: "ke_parse", cdecl.}
parse an expression and return errors in $err
proc ke_destroy(ke: ptr kexpr_t) {...}{.importc: "ke_destroy", cdecl.}
free memory allocated during parsing
proc ke_set_int(ke: ptr kexpr_t; `var`: cstring; x: int64): cint {...}{.importc: "ke_set_int",
    discardable, cdecl.}
set a variable to integer value and return the occurrence of the variable
proc ke_set_real(ke: ptr kexpr_t; `var`: cstring; x: cdouble): cint {...}{.
    importc: "ke_set_real", discardable, cdecl.}
set a variable to real value and return the occurrence of the variable
proc ke_set_str(ke: ptr kexpr_t; `var`: cstring; x: cstring): cint {...}{.
    importc: "ke_set_str", discardable, cdecl.}
set a variable to string value and return the occurrence of the variable
proc ke_set_real_func1(ke: ptr kexpr_t; name: cstring;
                      `func`: proc (a2: cdouble): cdouble): cint {...}{.
    importc: "ke_set_real_func1", cdecl.}
proc ke_set_real_func2(ke: ptr kexpr_t; name: cstring;
                      `func`: proc (a2: cdouble; a3: cdouble): cdouble): cint {...}{.
    importc: "ke_set_real_func2", cdecl.}
set a user-defined function
proc ke_set_default_func(ke: ptr kexpr_t): cint {...}{.importc: "ke_set_default_func", cdecl.}
set default math functions
proc ke_unset(e: ptr kexpr_t) {...}{.importc: "ke_unset", cdecl.}
mark all variable as unset
proc ke_eval(ke: ptr kexpr_t; i: ptr int64; r: ptr cdouble; s: cstringArray;
            ret_type: ptr cint): cint {...}{.importc: "ke_eval", cdecl.}
evaluate expression; return error code; final value is returned via pointers
proc ke_eval_int(ke: ptr kexpr_t; err: ptr cint): int64 {...}{.importc: "ke_eval_int", cdecl.}
proc ke_eval_real(ke: ptr kexpr_t; err: ptr cint): cdouble {...}{.importc: "ke_eval_real",
proc ke_print(ke: ptr kexpr_t) {...}{.importc: "ke_print", cdecl.}
print the expression in Reverse Polish notation (RPN)
proc expression(s: string): Expr {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
initalize an expression
proc error(e: Expr): int {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
check the error value of the expression. non-zero values are errors.
proc clear(e: Expr) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
clear the error state and empty the expression.
proc `[]=`(e: Expr; k: string; val: int or int32 or int64 or int8 or uint or uint8 or uint16 or
    uint32) {...}{.inline.}
proc `[]=`(e: Expr; k: string; val: float or float32 or float64) {...}{.inline.}
proc `[]=`(e: Expr; k: string; val: string) {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}


converter toInt(e: Expr): int {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
evaluate the epression and interpret the result as an int.
converter toInt64(e: Expr): int64 {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
evaluate the epression and interpret the result as an int64.
converter toBool(e: Expr): bool {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
evaluate the epression and interpret the result as a bool
converter toFloat(e: Expr): float {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
evaluate the expression and interpret the result as a float.
converter toFloat64(e: Expr): float64 {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
evaluate the expression and interpret the result as a float64.