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hts-nim is a library to enable writing fast, efficient tools and libraries using the Nim programming language. It is available at

Nim has a simple syntax and compiles to C code. In our experience it is as fast as code written in C. We have previously published mosdepth, a tool for fast depth calculation that uses hts-nim.

The hts-nim-tools repository also contains several tools written with hts-nim that can serve as documentation for how to use the library.

Below we show short snippets of example usage of the library. Full API documentation of each module is linked from the bottom of the page.


import hts

# open a bam and look for the index.
var b:Bam
open(b, "test/HG02002.bam", index=true)

for record in b:
  if record.qual > 10:
    echo record.chrom, record.start, record.stop

# regional queries:
for record in b.query('6', 30816675, 32816675):
  if record.flag.proper_pair and record.flag.reverse:
    # cigar is an iterable of operations:
    for op in record.cigar:
      # $op gives the string repr of the operation, e.g. '151M'
      echo $op, op.consumes.reference, op.consumes.query

  # tags are pulled with `aux`
  var mismatches = record.aux("NM")
  if mismatches != nil and mismatches.integer() < 3:
    var rg = rec.aux("RG")
    echo rg.tostring()

# cram requires an fasta to decode:
var cram:Bam
open(cram, "/tmp/t.cram", fai="/data/human/g1k_v37_decoy.fa")
for record in cram:
  # now record is same as from bam above
  echo record.qname, record.isize


import hts

var tsamples = @["101976-101976", "100920-100920", "100231-100231", "100232-100232", "100919-100919"]

# VCF and BCF supported
var v:VCF
doAssert open(v, "tests/test.bcf", samples=tsamples)

var afs = new_seq[float32](5) # size doesn't matter. this will be re-sized as needed
var acs = new_seq[int32](5) # size doesn't matter. this will be re-sized as needed
var csq = new_string_of_cap(20)
for rec in v:
  echo rec, " qual:", rec.QUAL, " filter:", rec.FILTER
  var info =
  # accessing stuff from the INFO fields is meant to be as fast as possible, allowing
  # the user to re-use memory as needed.
  info.get("CSQ", csq) # string
  info.get("AC", acs) # ints
  info.get("AF", afs) # floats
  echo acs, afs, csq, info.has_flag("IN_EXAC")

  # accessing format fields is similar
  var format = ref.format
  var dps = new_seq[int32](len(v.samples))
  doAssert format.get("DP", dps)
  echo dps

  echo v.samples

  # regional queries look for index. works for VCF and BCF
  for rec in v.query("1:15600-18250"):
    echo rec.CHROM, ":", $rec.POS
